State of Place
Your "in-house data-geek" and champion for more walkable, livable places.
State of Place calculates an area’s quality of place based on 290+ built environment features, such as street trees, sidewalks, and benches, collected at the block level, and aggregates that into the State of Place Index, a score from 0 to 100. It indicates how walkable - convenient, safe, dynamic and livable - a block, group of blocks, or neighborhood is. Cities can identify their assets and needs based on their Profile - a breakdown of their Index along ten urban design dimensions empirically known to impact people’s perceptions of walkability and quality of place. Accurate, robust measure of walkability that captures aspects of the built environment related to convenience, safety, comfort, and pleasurability as opposed to existing walkability measures that focus solely on density of destinations. Facilitates the objective assessment of built environment assets and needs and highlights areas to target for potential redevelopment or intervention.