Positive Tomorrows
Educating homeless children and their families to break the cycle of poverty.
For our students, their time at Positive Tomorrows is a chance to see they are not alone in facing the challenges of homelessness. All of their peers are also homeless, fostering an environment of understanding that can’t be matched in a traditional public school system. We’ve developed a three-fold approach to tackling those unique challenges. We’re committed to clearing a path for our students by removing the hurdles they face in developing academically and socially. For most of our students, those hurdles come in three forms: transportation, hunger, and basic needs. Our determination to break the cycle of poverty isn’t just limited to the education we provide. We know that a stable and secure family life will help our students stay on course academically. We provide the best possible education through the execution of three measures: testing, individual attention, and customized learning plans. Additionally, our day doesn’t end once classroom instruction is over.