Eat crickets, change the world!
Crickets have 2x more protein than beef, more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk. Crickets require drastically less land, water, feed and energy than traditional protein sources. And your kids won’t have to move to Mars! 2 billion of people all around the world consider insects as part of their diet. Guess why? Insects are nutritionally balanced and incredibly delicious. Moreover, they are iper-sustainable and require dradtically less water, feed and space compared to traditional protein sources. Crickets require the 0,05% of the water that cows do to produce the same amount of proteins. One third of emerged lands is already being used for meat production. On average, 200sqm of land are used to produce 1kg of beef. For insects 15sqm are enough. Crickets produce 1% of the greenhouse gases that cows produce. Livestock industries are the second world cause of atmospheric pollution.