Eneza Education
Mobile education platform with interactive learning content for millions of young African learners.
Eneza Education is a comprehensive virtual tutor, that provides universal access to affordable, quality, lifelong learning through ubiquitous mobile technology. As a social enterprise, they reinvest their resources to educate low income earners at scale, 70% of them living in rural areas. With over 4 million unique users, they are undoubtedly Africa’s #1 Mobile Learning Platform for 10 – 25-year-old learners in rural Africa. Evolved from access on any mobile phone through USSD & SMS, to multi-device- smartphone, tablet, or laptop. Learners access the platform mobile web, desktop, Facebook Messenger, and Telegram. Through a dedicated and passionate team comprising of staff and experienced teachers, Eneza makes affordable education available to those who have limited access to it. They aim to make 50 Million learners smarter in Africa