Quitting smoking has never been easier
Kwit is one of the leading smoking cessation mobile apps. It relies on evidence-based smoking cessation scientific methods and helps you on a daily basis with positivity and kindness. Inspired by cognitive and behavioral therapy principles, Kwit has developed a playful and original approach, with no nicotine substitute, to guide you towards a smoke-free life. Designed like a game, the app helps you overcome the withdrawal symptoms through different and personalized strategies to resist the desire to smoke. From your profile and dashboard, keep track of your day-to-day progress and see how your withdrawal evolved. The number of days without a cigarette, the amount of money you saved, the number of non-smoked cigarettes but also the state of your lungs, getting better each day — all these are encouraging indicators that show you that your efforts are worthy. With Kwit, you will never be alone again in your fight against tobacco.