Livox - Freedom Aloud
Livox is a software which enables non-verbal people with disabilities to communicate and learn.
Livox’s idea arose from Carlos’s personal story. Carlos Pereira is a System Analyst professional who is the CEO and Founder of Livox. He is Clara’s father, a girl who has Cerebral Palsy due to a medical mistake. So, he developed Livox in 2011 and empowering people with disabilities became a passion for. So, he initiated various activities to improve the quality of life of his daughter and thousands of people with disabilities. Livox is a software of alternative communication designed for tablets with intelligent algorithms that enables it to adjust itself as it is used. It allows people with a wide range of disabilities to develop communication skills and to improve learning process. Its technology uses artificial intelligence and machine learning, developed as an accessibility tool. So, Livox interface is different depending if the person with disability can or cannot read, can or cannot see, can or cannot move, among other difficulties. It is currently available in 25 languages.