Paper Pulp Printer
3d-printing with recycled paper
The Paper Pulp Printer combats the amount of waste plastic being created through 3D-printing. The 3D printer uses recycled paper pulp, paper being one of the world's most wasted materials. "Sustainable materials in 3D-printing are very scarce, which is why 3d-printing with paper could have a big impact on the 3D-printing world, there is a lot of waste in this industry – most models are printed to communicate something and are often thrown away afterwards." Printing with paper instead of plastic filament would mean that the models could be broken down with water and the pulp potentially recycled again for another project, says the designer Beer Holthius. The fibrous make-up of paper results in surprisingly strong structures, but applying a finish such as a varnish would make the 3D objects longer lasting. Holthuis has already used the machine to make lamps, as well as various shapes and sizes of container