International Women's Day Campaign
Tackling gender biases in branding
Male characters featured in the Monopoly, Pringles and Dreamworks logos have been swapped for women by organisation Creative Equals, as a way of tackling "unconscious bias" in the media. Creative Equals initiated the project to coincide with International Women's Day today, 8 March 2018. The intention was not only to shed light on unbalanced branding but to also question the diversity of the work's creators. "Unconscious bias is such a big topic in the media at the moment, but we realised a number of logos and mascots seemed to show male figures, and no-one seems to have noticed," says Creative Equals CEO and founder Ali Hanan. "It's not a big leap to work out male design directors will have shaped many of these famous brands icons, since just 11.5 per cent of design directors are women."