Refugee Investment Network (RIN)
RIN is an investing collaborative creating long-term solutions for refugees and host communities.
More than 68 million people are displaced - 25 mill refugee - an all time high. But, existing systems for emergency response & productive integration are broken. RIN addresses exactly that: RIN moves capital to active investment by sourcing, structuring & supporting the financing of projects & companies that benefit refugees & host communities. RIN will bridge the gap between the untapped entrepreneurial potential of refugees and capital markets to spur growth, create jobs & increase stability. Through: Research: Creating an investor-centered knowledge hub targeting business opportunities supporting refugee self-reliance Facilitation: Pipeline of bankable deals that scale private investment in communities of displaced people Policy & Advocacy: Articulate investor needs to funders, governments & the development community to drive catalytic investments & policies By 2030, RIN aims to unlock at least $1 billion in investment deals that produce over one million new jobs.