A prosthetic leg made from recycled plastic
A new low-cost prosthesis, completely made out of recycled plastic, is about to change the lives of these amputees. It is called Circleg, and started out as a bachelor degree project by Fabian Engel and Simon Oschwald, industrial design students at the Zurich University of the Arts, has now developed into a fully fledged start-up. Designed to fulfil the needs of amputees in less developed countries, Circleg is a prosthetic leg that can be used by above- and below-the-knee amputees. What differentiates it from other prosthetic options is how all of its parts are manufactured to be adjusted to the individual user. This is done by injection molding and extrusion, which will allow the user to differentiate between the parts needed. Engel and Oswald's use of recycled plastic waste was an important aspect of the design. The two industrial design students were driven by the idea of using plastic waste as a resource in a way to create useful products.