3D printet contrete house elements
Printing floor houses and concrete elements
By 2021 a team of Danish researchers and companies could print several floors of high residential buildings. This is the ambitious objective of the N3xtcon project, which the Innovation Fund has decided to support by 16 million. kr."Our goal is to develop a method so that the reinforcement can be placed simultaneously with the printing process. But if it's going to be like traditional reinforcement, by laying down a thread between the teams that try at the technical university in Eindhoven, with fibers or with textile lubrication, we have not yet determined. " In addition, in the part of the project that concentrates on printed concrete elements, it is possible to combine the elements after the casting. I 2021 vil et hold af danske forskere og virksomheder kunne printe flere etager høje beboelsesbygninger. Sådan lyder den ambitiøse målsætning for projektet N3xtcon, som Innovationsfonden har besluttet at støtte med 16 mio. kr.