Kitchenware for the blind
Cooking is a challenge for the blind due to the lack of sensory references. To overcome the steep learning curve, Folks kitchenware leverages on natural, sensory feedback and tactile cues such that visual impaired can prepare food safely with confidence and dignity. Introduced as a system, Folks taps onto the adjusted sensory strengths (like touch or hearing) of the blind. When using a knife, poor hand postures, irregular ingredients and dull knives result in cuts which dissuade the blind from cooking. To help them gain tool confidence, a retractable guard serves as a physical anchor and guides the fingers during the cutting process. This encourages blade contact (safer). It also allows the blind to clean off any food that is stuck on the blade with a simple trigger. After usage, the guard can be removed for cleaning. The system currently includes a knife, a chopping board and a teaspoon.