Bubble Barrier
Tackling plastic pollution in oceans by focusing on the source: canals, rivers and channels
This solution aims to achieve a more sustainable environment and the protection of ecology. The idea is simple. A tube with holes is placed on the bottom of a river. Pumping air through the tube creates a bubble barrier, or air curtain. The air bubbles force plastics in the water to the surface, making them accessible for removal. This concept is used in the oil industry, the dredging industry and in the Dutch lock system. By placing the bubble barrier diagonally to the flow of a river, the power of the river forces debris to the banks of the river, where it can be easily removed from the water. The Great Bubble Barrier is not the only solution to solve the plastic waste, as we focus primarily on plastic soup in rivers. In addition, The Great Bubble Barrier, along with organizations such as the Plastic Soup Foundation and ByTheOceanWeUnite, builds awareness among consumers, producers and governments alike.