Forest Pine Wool
Turning discarded pine needles of the timber industry into valuable resource.
Pine is the most common tree species currently grown, 45% is grown in industrial man-made forests. In fact, 600 million pine trees are felled each year in the European Union alone and yet 20 to 30% of the total tree mass is left unused in the form of abandoned and shed pine needles of the forest floor. Inspired by this fact, Latvian designed Tamara Orjola began research into potential applications for the as yet untapped resource. Through rudimentary material manipulation and manufacturing techniques such as crushing, soaking, steaming, carding, binding, and pressing, the designer discovered that the needles could be transformed into paper and textiles while harvesting essential oils and dyes in the process. Orjola’s forest pine wool experiments culminate in a library of material samples and a collection of stools and carpets composed entirely of pine needles.