A personal ventilated enclosure for the homeless who deserve adequate good sleep like everybody.
Everyone deserves good adequate sleep to stay healthy irrespective of difficult living conditions arising due to extreme poverty. Its the time where mind and body is at an absolute passive state ignorant of anything happening around. The 'Sleep Case' is compact low cost bean shaped ventilated enclosure for homeless poor on the streets outdoors who rightfully deserve a comfortable sleep. With contrasting hot & cold weather throughout the year & mosquitoes/insects & stray animals in surroundings, they need a personal enclosure to feel safe and cozy. Ideally this could be a government initiative to address the plight of deprived homeless people and manufactured by funds for development of people & society. During winters they will keep warm in the ventilated enclosure with woolens while in hot summers they could enjoy breeze by switching on the solar powered fan on top which is charged during daytime and stored in a light battery pack in lid.