Boie toothbrush
Promote healthy oral hygiene & reduce waste, by producing long-lasting, sanitary toothbrushes.
From our design and materials to delivering a buying experience directly to our customers, we strive to embrace innovation in unique ways. We believe that the relationship between products and price, retailers, and consumers, can evolve—and that changing those dynamics can begin with something Every product creates a footprint, so Boie USA is committed to an environmentally conscious business model that leaves behind the smallest trace possible. All of our products are made in America, which reduces the consumption that comes from international shipping. It also plays a small role in keeping design and manufacturing jobs in the U.S. Their business philosophy is not singularly focused on the bottom line—it’s also about doing our small part to better the world around us. That’s why Boie USA contributes a portion of its annual proceeds to charitable causes, like supporting healthcare initiatives for those with disabilities and programs aimed at improving the health of our oceans.