A stable, algorithmic cryptocurrency protocol
Cryptocurrencies have been too volatile for mainstream use. Loans, salaries and other basic financial contracts are poorly served by volatile currency. Stable currency isn't available in much of the world. In many developing countries, the most stable currency available can devalue at a rate of 10% per year or more. Basis is designed to maintain a stable value and serve as a medium of exchange accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Basis is designed to keep prices stable by algorithmically adjusting supply When demand is rising, the blockchain will create more Basis. The expanded supply is designed to bring the Basis price back down. When demand is falling, the blockchain will buy back Basis. The contracted supply is designed to restore Basis price. The Basis protocol is designed to expand and contract supply similarly to the way central banks buy and sell fiscal debt to stabilize purchasing power. For this reason, we refer to Basis as having an algorithmic central bank.