Bread and Roses
Social enterprise training refugee women in floristry and by that, English, skills and confidence
Set up in May 2016, Bread & Roses takes its name from a political slogan coined by Rose Schneiderman, a pioneering American socialist and feminist, back in 1912. In a famous speech, Schneiderman argued that women working in low-paid jobs need more than just the basics (the bread) to survive - they deserve dignity, respect and the opportunity to flourish (the roses) too. Here in the UK, over one hundred years later, the phrase is as relevant as ever. Though the work itself may have changed, the fact remains that women in low-paid jobs are still fighting for their rights. We believe that every woman deserves to thrive - but it can be hard without a bit of extra support. And though we've never been more aware of the scale of the global refugee crisis, quality support for refugees in the UK is in short supply. Since the Refugee Integration and Employment Service was disbanded in 2011, there is no longer an obvious place to go for help.