The aim of this kit is to solve problems of transportations of patients in North Kivu, Congo (DRC).
T-64: is a Soviet second-generation main battle tank introduced in the early 1960s. In 2014 Ukraine sold illegally 50 tanks to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The aim of this design is to propose a new concept of a stretcher to solve the many complications of transporting patients in the extreme situations of the rural areas of the DRC. By analysing the complications of the local areas, the design is made compatible with the local culture and materials, in order to implement this locally and so prevent unsolved problems of maintenance. Where the bamboo can grow up to 1m per day, it would easy and accessible to combine it with the aluminium piece and the inner tube of an old bike to make a stretcher. With this kit, different problems can be solved, having a multifunctional board which can be used as unifying piece for a stretcher, a transportable bridge for MFS transporter and as a first-aid orthosis.