Songs of Violence
Campaign using Shazam to identify songs with violence against women in their lyrics.
Violence Against Women is a campaign using Shazam to identify songs with violence against women in their lyrics and match them with real testimonials. One out of every three women will be a victim of violence, according to the World Health Organization. Thousands of people listen to songs that promote gender-based violence in their lyrics. Most of the time, the songs are quite popular and people don’t even realize what they actually mean: they just sing along. But many women suffer the same kind of abuse and no one listens to their stories. Estadão, one of Brazil’s most prominent newspapers, partnered with Disque-Denúncia, a hotline for reporting violence and abuse, to put violence against women in the spotlight. Results so far: High engagement level: the message was really relevant and in context for the media; 63% of the users who clicked the banner listened to the testimonial; Only 6% of the users proceeded to download / buy / stream the song after listening to the testimonial.