Coffee Logs
Keeping us warm with carbon-neutral, cost-effective fuel made from recycled coffee grounds.
The UK produces around 10 million tonnes of food waste a year which releases methane as it decomposes. This methane is 20 times more harmful than CO2. bio-bean was founded on the principle that there is no such thing as waste, just resources in the wrong place and has found a way of turning part of this problem into a solution by recycling 50,000 tonnes of waste coffee grounds into carbon-neutral biofuels. Coffee Logs are a high performance biofuel, designed for open fires, stoves and chimineas. Made from recycled coffee grounds, they burn hotter and longer than wood - a cost-effective way to heat your home while reducing your carbon-footprint. bio-bean is joining the fight against climate change by preventing methane emissions from landfill and displacing harmful fossil fuels, while producing quality products that outperform the competition on both price and performance.