The world's first personal digestive tracker app
AIRE is a breath test device. It's small but powerful. Together with its app it can help you find the foods that are most compatible with your digestive system. We like to think of it as a personal digestive tracker. When food isn’t digested fully, a lot of it will turn into gas in the gut. Many people cannot efficiently handle this gas, so it builds up causing bloating, pain and even diarrhea or constipation. Fortunately, you can measure how much of this gas is being generated, since some of it will pass from the gut into the bloodstream. The gas then travels in your blood and when it reaches the lungs, it exits on your breath, where it can be measured. The technology for doing this is used in the top digestive health clinics and gastroenterology departments worldwide. FoodMarble adapted the technology, making it smaller, portable and more affordable for personal, everyday use.