Personalized continuous professional development. For a rapidly changing world
Udexter is a pathway to meaningful work for everyone. Work is changing at an accelerating pace driven by technology. udexter helps individuals to navigate the changing world with personalized advice on learning and development tactics. It makes top notch advice accesible to those who need it Udexter is looking at a future where technical unemployment may become a serious challenge. They’re building a platform to address this. Udexter is using AI to help the unemployed, the under employed, and the unengage. udexter's platform for highly personalized smart talent development is first available to enterprises. It provides talent diagnostics, alongside personalized coaching and targeted access to learning & development resources. udexter's long-term goal is to provide highly personalized pathways for everyone. At times of large-scale job disruptions, udexter will assist the unemployed, the underemployed and the unengaged to progress to the next step in their professional lives.