Jacquard technology Jacket
Google teams up with Levi's to create interactive denim jacket
Google has used its Jacquard technology to weave conductive threads into a Levi's jacket, turning its sleeves into touch-sensitive panels that can be used to control electronic devices (+ movie). Set for release in spring 2017, the Levi's Commuter x Jacquard by Google jacket is the first garment to integrate the company's woven technology. It is designed for urban cyclists, as part of Levi's Commuter range that includes garments made from water- and odour-resistant fabric. Cyclists can use the Jacquard technology to access navigation prompts and information on nearby places, change their music, and answer calls just by touching the jacket's sleeve. Interactive threads are woven into the denim, creating interactive panels that work like smartphone screens The jacket allows cyclists to control their mobile experience and connect to a variety of services, such as music or maps, directly from the jacket. conductive threads are woven into the denim textile.