India’s Robin Hood of drugs
Cipla developed a revolutionary anti-HIV drug "cocktail". In 2001, we introduced the world’s first ever recommended 3-in-1 fixed dose combination to fight AIDS. It was made available at less than $1 per day compared to over $12,000 per patient per year prevailing in most countries throughout the world. It lifted the death sentence from millions across the developing world. We have also done pioneering work in pediatric HIV and addressed the needs of every kind of HIV patient, from pregnant mothers to babies and from children to adults. Not surprising that today around 1 million patients in the world are on our antiretrovirals, and with regular therapy they can live for years and lead a near normal life. Besides, our world class scientific resources and educational platforms are helping physicians across India and the world manage the disease effectively. We have even given our support to the development and dissemination of guidelines for the medical community in India.