Winterisation of emergency shelters
Local manufacturing of winterisation blankets for emergency shelters
We are interested in the local manufacture of shelter winterisation blankets that are used to insulate emergency shelters. At the moment the blankets are very bulky and heavy, so lend themselves to local sourcing and manufacturing. The supply chain is expensive, long and not sustainable. We designed an innovative solution to locally produce insulation material by using a local free resource : plastic waste. The solution is called a Polyfloss Kit which contains a Polyfloss machine that transform plastic waste into a mass of thin fibres that resembles candy-floss in appearance. It is made by shredding cleaned waste plastic and processing it through the Polyfloss machine. The resulting Polyfloss can be packed, shaped and formed and it traps air between its fibres, giving it insulating properties. Insulation reduces fuel usage for heating and the approach offers other potential benefits such as improved waste management and local small business development or livelihoods opportunities.