Backdraft sprinkler
The Backdraft sprinkler is a fireproof door with water sprinkling.
Water mist protection: The Backdraft sprinkler is a fireproof door with water sprinkling that serves as a protection barrier that prevents air convection and flashover and thus improves fire scene safety and rescue speed. Flashover: A fire scene can be smoldering without obvious burning. However, as soon as the door opens, air rushes in to engulf the entire space in flame, causing injuries or even loss of precious lives. Sprinkling process: 1.The sprinkler bursts due to thermal expansion. 2.Mists are sprinkled. 3.Sprinkler lights up to indicate temperature. Water is sprinkled to: 1.Cool down: The water turns into mists and surface area increases to absorb heat and cool down. 2.Suffocate: Water vaporizes into vapor. The volume expands to lower the oxygen level at the fire scene. 3.Isolate: The fine particles of water mist forms a layer to isolate flame, smoke and oxygen from exchanging.