Drumi is a small, transportable foot-powered eco-friendly washing machine.
In urban environments, doing laundry can be expensive, unhygienic, and a general nuisance. On top of that, a single load uses 50 liters of water and 500 watts of energy. The Drumi is trying to change all that. It’s a small, foot-powered eco-friendly washing machine that can hold about seven personal items, requiring a small amount of water and no electricity. Drumi is a sustainable solution that challenges the modern day laundry experience. The Drumi requires small amounts of water and no electricity, and can reduce your carbon footprint by approximately 10 pounds per week. The Drumi cuts down on your laundry budget by reducing trips to laundry facilities, and it also reduces electricity and water bills. It can be stored anywhere and the materials allow you to store the Drumi in a wet or dry area. It’s small and easy to put away, or can be left out and used as a laundry hamper.