Tomorrow's Meatball
A visual exploration of the future of food exploring the many ways we could be eating in the future
Modern food production methods are wreaking havoc on our natural world, but our population—and thus need for sustenance—only continues to grow. In order to spark a discussion surrounding more sustainable food options, Space10 devised Tomorrow’s Meatball, a project visualizing eight edible trends that just might help save the planet. On the menu: the Artificial Meatball, the Wonderful Waste Ball, the Urban Farmer’s Ball, the Mighty Powder Ball, the Lean Green Algae Ball, the 3D-Printed Ball, the Nutty Ball, and the Crispy Bug Ball. Bon appétit! The exploration focus on alternative ingredients, technological innovations and uncharted gastronomic territories, that we need to consider to combat our unsustainable appetite for meat and the explosive demand for more food in the future.