Daydream View
Explore new worlds, visit famous museums, far away cities, other planets and beyond.
Daydream View is a headset and controller for experiencing high quality, immersive virtual reality (VR). Simply place a Daydream-ready phone into the headset to get started. Don’t just see the world, experience it. Swim with a school of dolphins, stand at the edge of a volcano, stroll down the streets of the Champs-Élysées—even explore the world’s most famous paintings in a virtual museum. With Daydream View, you can teleport from virtually anywhere to pretty much everywhere. Daydream View’s lightweight, durable headset is made from soft, breathable fabric to help you stay comfortable - and it fits over most eyeglasses. The unique construction method of the headset reduces weight and keeps the amount of hard plastic parts to a minimum. Engineered and designed for comfort, the soft, form-fitted facepad rests gently on the face. It is hand washable, so you'll be able to keep the headset clean to share with your friends.