Fjord Fido
Fjord Fido aims to help manage uncertainty in a diabetic’s daily life and identify patterns
With all the technology and data we have around us today, why is it still so hard to manage type 1 diabetes? The products available to diabetes sufferers at the moment are only concerned with capturing one form of data – glucose levels at a particular moment in time. This makes the whole process very reactive and stressful. Almost 400 million people around the world suffer from diabetes and the families and friends of sufferers are also affected, particularly when the patient is a young child. Our aim has been to create a platform that could handle multiple streams of data capture and apply advanced analytics to make it useful and meaningful. We hope we could help in three key ways: 1. To learn: Help manage uncertainty in a diabetics life 2. To act: Having quick access to relevant and meaningful information 3. To predict: The Fjord Fido project currently hopes to make use of all the historical data it captures to plan for future activities.