Solving the asymmetry of information between MSE's that want a loan and financial institutions.
By understanding the timeliness of payments to suppliers, cash flow cycles, e-commerce and social networks interactions, Destácame can prove how organised and responsible a SME is. With each SME consent, Destácame gathers historical information and - using a proprietary algorithm- creates a credit score that SME's can share with financial institutions to prove their credit worthiness. This type of information has proven predictive for people and also is for SME's. The business model benefits all stakeholders: SME's gain access to credit-increasing productivity and grow their businesses, while large suppliers can grow along with them as they avoid having a primary focus on large clients. At the same time, banks get more information to reduce the risk of new clients while the reduction on the cost of credit origination makes it more attractive to invest in the SME's that used to be invisible.