The 1:1 Soular Backpack
Buy a backpack, give a Soular Backpack to a school child in Africa.
Giving a Soular backpack gives the gift of light to a child in need in Africa. Our solar-powered backpack allows a child to charge a lamp with their backpack, giving them the ability to study at night without using kerosene. Soular was launched in 2015 with the vision to provide children with their own tool to do their homework, and take control of their education. We ran a crowdfunding campaign, raised $50,000 to get the first 2,500 backpacks to East Africa and have moved production to Kenya. We've distributed backpacks across Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Our social impact data shows improvements in grades and health of the children who use Soular Backpacks. Families are able to save 20% of income that was previously spent on kerosene and kids are studying on average 5-6 hours longer every night. When you buy a backpack from us you also gives a soular backpack to a child in Africa.