Safe Travel
An app to combat road accident deaths.
20.000 Cameroonians were killed by road accidents in 2010-2015, 40% more than malaria. To worsen things, emergency services hardly get notified about accidents, so victims die. Globally, 1.24 million die every year and 50 million are injured, with 90% of casualties in dev countries. Traveler is a mobile phone app which monitors the performance, speed, location and number of passengers on a bus, and with the help of big data and machine intelligence alerts drivers and authorities to potential dangers. The system automatically sends high speed alerts each time a given bus runs above regulatory speed limits. With an integrated cloud service and a back-end monitoring system, we provide predictive analysis and recommendations to road safety officials to reduce accidents. The app uses internet, but offline, the app works as a black box device, tracking a driver's performance and incidents while saving them locally.