Pyit Taing Taung
Elegantly Designed Water Tanks.
For farm and household use, it is important for rural families to have a constant large supply of water. The Pyit Taing Taung, or "Sturdy Boy", is a 250 gallon capacity tank (price: $23) designed for complete portability, durability and affordability. Made of PVC impregnated canvas with a plastic rim, the Pyit Taing Taung is stored flat and grows into a freestanding tank as it is filled with water. When connected to a pump and a hose, or a drip set, it can help make irrigation a one-man, or one-woman, job. While ethnic conflict rages in the Myanmar, there are hundreds of rural inhabitants struggling to make ends meet without proper infrastructure, energy, and irrigation tools. Sturdy Boy is designed by the social enterprise Proximity Designs, based in Yangon, have made it their mission to turn grass-roots research into problem-solving designs.