PsycApps brings therapy to the ultimate comfort-zone: an iOS smartphone app
For Users: In times of confusion and pain, it is difficult to know where to go for help, and who to trust. Most people feel overwhelmed by the many different therapy forms which leads them to not looking for help until the suffering gets unbearable. But those days are over: finally, our dedicated team brings to you an app that will take care of helping you understand what you are experiencing, and will lead you to trusted professionals. For Therapists: Clients all over London are ready to find their own, personal therapist. They know they need support, but hesitate to take that step over the threshold. With our app users are smoothly guided through psychoeducation right to an appointment with you. All of PsycApps applications are evidence based, and ethically sound, making it easier for people in difficult life situations to get to the help they deserve.