Walking with Robots
Robots you can wear.
Light, textile, elastic and mechanized, the exosuit teaches damaged nerves, muscles, tendons and joints to function again. Tiny, powerful motors, pulleys, cables, movement sensors and intelligent software help wearers walk by making gentle corrections to movement and encouraging natural actions. Along with stroke victims, it has the potential to aid others with impaired mobility, including those with Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and the elderly. Walsh had previous experience with rigid exoskeletons as a developer and test subject but when he arrived at Harvard, he was inspired by colleagues with expertise in soft materials: “I saw that if you had a softer, lighter suit that accentuated the right actions, was comfy to wear and didn’t encumber you, it could have huge biomedical applications.” Through partnerships with Harvard’s Wyss Institute and the biomedical company ReWalk, the soft exosuit is on the path to commercialization, and is expected to be ready in three years.