Area9 Learning
As physicians we have deep knowledge about brain science. That combined with more than 20 years of research in human factors and learning has given us the most profound respect for the complexity of individual differences of how people learn. Traditional learning focuses on linear, standardized methods. So while there are many things we don’t know – yet – we know that this is not optimal. There is not a single answer to how people learn. We actually believe that one-size-fits none. Our adaptive learning methods are like science. We constantly try something, measure the impact – and reorient. Practically this means that we first identify what a learner knows and doesn’t know. Then we either allow the learner to speed through stuff she already understands and instead zero in on matters for this learner. We relentlessly target individual objectives and enhance the learning experience for each and every user. Delivering the right content at the right time, area9 helps people learn more.