Saros Dealination
Help create clean drinking water using wave energy
SAROS can provide a sustainable fresh water supply for remote islands and coastal regions without using fossil fuels or electricity by using wave energy, operating completely off the grid. Ocean waves contain a tremendous amount of energy, and even small waves seen all around the world can have a greater energy density than wind and solar. The evidence is seen in ocean waves’ ability to toss around massive ships, rip apart naval structures, or even just knock you off your feet at a day at the beach. SAROS uses the enormous forces generated by ocean waves to pump water through a reverse osmosis desalination system. As the SAROS buoy rises and falls with passing swells, it works against it’s mooring tether to drive pumps. These pumps intake seawater at the buoy and pump it back to shore under pressure. Before entering the desalination system, a device which we call the WaveBank transforms the surges of incoming water from the buoy into a smooth, steady stream of water into the reverse