Next Generation Dental Floss
Easier, faster, more comfortable, breath freshening, recyclable & more effective dental floss.
Awesome Floss®ers are more effective than disposable flosspicks because Awesome Floss®ers enable the worldwide-dentist-recommended “C”-shape of any floss during flossing. Awesome Floss®ers have 2 soft flexible handles that are spunbonded nonwoven (white & recyclable) polypropylene. Each flosser employs 2 parallel strands of ANY regular floss held by and in between 2 handles. Each handle has a TEARPROOF slit. Awesome Floss®ers further employ the upfront user reward of breath freshening fast dissolving components (SEE that shows turquoise symbols of dissolvable components) of e.g. mini-breath-strips (a mint flavor for those in the West, & a future orange flavor/color for Asians) held by & between the flosser's 2 handles. More flossing would IMPACT all peoples' oral health & their linked systemic health. CONTEXT is for consumers at home, & on-the-go; & intended for dental professionals (without or optionally with the breath freshening components).