Preventing neonatal deaths through APGAR education, APGAR surveillance & birth attendant by proxy
40 million unattended births, 2.8 million neonatel deaths with 1 million babies dying on the day they are born due to inadequate care and scarce human resources. The aims of WAAA! are in tune with the WHO and Unicef’s Every New Born Vision (2015 and the new sustainable development goal- 3.1: preventing avoidable newborn deaths. WAAA! (Wearable, Anytime, Anywhere, APGAR) comprises of APGAR education, a celleluar gateway and a $9 wearable. The Apgar scale is universal tool used to assess neonatal vital signs: Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity & Respiratory. The system monitors newborns by proxy and when they are at most risk: the first minute, the first hour, the first day of life. Dangerous respiratory and pulse levels triggers the gateway box to send a SMS text alert to village health teams to activate an emergency response. WAAA has the capability to collect birth registration data and monitor regional neonatal trends/ initiatives for $0.32 per birth.