Ghana Bamboo Bikes Initiative
Ghana Bamboo Bike Int. address climate change, poverty, rural-urban migration and high unemployment
The Ghana Bamboo Bikes is a socio-ecological green initiative that addresses the quadruple problems of climate change, poverty, rural-urban migration and high unemployment amongst the youth in rural Ghana by creating employment opportunities and sustainable livelihood job skills for the youth through the building of high quality handcrafted second generation bamboo bikes for the international export markets. They offer multipurpose second generation bamboo bikes that are suitable for the high terrain and rough roads for local and international needs using native bamboo. They believe that business opportunities exists in all the areas of Ghana and are committed to improving the standard of living of young Ghanaians through the creation of sustainable social enterprises. They are committed to promoting fair trade, treating people fairly, profit sharing with builders, and creating environmentally responsible products that contribute in reducing climate change commitment to protect.