Empowerment of local communities through hackathons
Facilitation tools to community hackathons, problem solving and empowerment.
This project provides means for creating and enhancing the problem solving atmosphere in the community of Chamanculo in Maputo, Mozambique. Based on our findings and initial hackathon organized in February 2014 in Chamanculo, a community hackathon is a viable and solution-focused participatory technique to cross societal borders and empower people to solve their own problems. The facilitation tools resulting from this project are an ABC guide to community based problem solving, and a more detailed Community hackathon map that guides the reader to organize a successful, well-planned community hackathon. These products provide examples on how to utilize the different problem-solving techniques to tackle sanitation challenges, but the activities can be used to address any kinds of problems. The project was in collaboration with Taksvärkki ry in Finland and ASSCODECHA in Mozambique.