3D Printed Post-Operative Cast
Making 3d printed customised casts for patients allowing better comfort and post-traumatic healing.
Fixating the body after surgery or trauma is currently an inexact science, and often leads to problems of its own. The cast itself restricts skin breathing, temperature change, and visual access to the wound site. As a result, the medical care suffers from the product’s design We can 3D scan the body before surgery, and design a cast that can be 3D printed to meet exact needs of the postsurgical stabilization. The cast is mostly open, allowing hot and cold compresses to be applied to the surgical site, thereby reducing swelling and improving bloodflow. The site can be visually inspected at any time, allowing for close monitoring of the healing process. And the skin breathes throughout the recovery, improving comfort and quality of life for the patient. The patient may bathe as they choose, since the cast is not impacted by water. Overall, the recovery process is not only more effective, but more comfortable.